Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This rollercoaster is so hard to deal with. Poor Riyah. Her leg doesn't look good. Still swollen and painful. I can't tell if she is getting better at all. Some days I think she is worse, but other days she seems a little more comfortable. She is still quite lame, and last week she had two days where she was on three legs again. It's so hard. I know it will take time, but I don't like to see her hurting. I give her a shot of Adequan (5cc) every four days. She also gets Rapid Response twice a day in her beet pulp mixture. I give her Bute on the really bad days, too. I am trying to be patient and keep telling myself these things take time. I just want to see enough improvement to know that we are on the right coarse and she is getting better.

I have been really down lately. It's the worry and the not knowing and the grief associated with lost dreams and just the fact that I really miss our rides together. She was such a fun horse.

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